Brandon Gorski
When I started working on “Exodus” I was in an anxious and stressed out place. I was constantly being bombarded with nightmare news updates and feeling generally dissatisfied with the state of the country and world.
I initially started the piece similarly to other abstract landscapes I have worked on in the past, securing pockets of color into defined shapes with hard boundaries. The longer I worked on the piece I noticed that these borders weren’t really working for me, the piece didn’t have the energy that the landscapes in the past had.
I experimented with breaking the boundaries and working in a loose way. I also started experimenting with spraying the canvas and allowing the colors and shapes to just bleed together. When I started reflecting on this method and the feelings I was initially struggling with, it really started to resonate with the current politics around immigration. The idea of containing the colors within strict borders to isolate them proved to be very stagnant and static. Only once the borders were eliminated and color was allowed to freely travel and merge with the others did I feel the energy and results I was looking for.
I titled this piece “Exodus” in honor of the millions of people that take a chance to leave a hopeless situation in search for brighter energy and results.
24” x 30”
acrylic on wood panel
Brandon’s process film
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Brandon Gorski
is a graduate of MassArt’s Illustration program in 2009. Since graduating, Brandon has been freelancing, attending comic conventions and making work for gallery shows centered around native culture and shamanic experiences. He is an active member of Door to Door, Alumni council at Raw Art Works in Lynn, MA a nonprofit arts organization. Brandon helped organize a pop up art show for native artwork and also helped organize North Shore Comic Con at Lynn Arts.He has recently started self publishing creator owned comics under the imprint, In The Shade Publications. Brandon lives on the north shore of Massachusetts with his family.